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How to Pentest Your Own Network: A 7-Step Guide For IT Pros
Penetration testing, or “pentesting,” is the process of simulating a cyber-attack on your own network to identify weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them. It’s an essential skill set for IT professionals to develop and an advantageous practice for anyone who manages IT infrastructure or handles sensitive data. Proactively testing your network’s defenses by learning […]
Ransomware, Tabletop Exercises
How a Ransomware Tabletop Exercise Can Dramatically Reduce Your Losses If You’re Attacked
Cyberattacks, Pen Testing
A Real-World Cyber Attack Simulation: How a Hacker Can Breach Your Organization in One Weekend
Compliance, Health care
Understanding the Proposed HIPAA Security Rule Updates & Why You Should Take Action Now
Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Planning