CyberSummer Virtual Training Event



Choose-your-own training session! We are offering two different online 2-day cybersecurity classes. Learn more and register:


Each class runs for two full days, starting at 8am PT/11am ET and ending at 3pm PT/6pm ET each day.


Data Breaches: Investigations & Response – June 23 & 24

Mega-breach or minor incident? The difference is in the speed of detection, effectiveness of containment, and accuracy of scoping. In this technical, hands-on class, we’ll dig into different types of breach scenarios, including cloud account breaches (using Office365 as an example), internal compromise and ransomware. Learn strategies for detection and evidence preservation, and techniques for quickly responding to a breach. Each module includes a hands-on lab where you analyze and scope the breach. Learn more and register.


$1700 Early Bird Price by June 4, 2020

$1800 Regular Price by June 16, 2020

$2000 Late Registration by June 18, 2020


Physical Access Control Systems: Elements of Design, Offense, and Defense – June 25 & 26

Every security professional should have some skills in assessing access control systems, and this class provides exactly that.  Whether an enterprise is using HID Prox cards, Mifare credentials, or modern iCLASS technology, students who have taken this course will be well-versed in the functionality, weaknesses, and attack vectors of such systems.  From how to perform practical card cloning attacks in the field to advanced format downgrade attacks, students are prepared for real-world red team scenarios and learn how to exploit access control technology with the latest attack hardware. Learn more and register.


$1800 Early Bird Price by June 4, 2020

$1900 Regular Price by June 16, 2020

$2100 Late Registration by June 18, 2020