IT Bootcamp Classes:
Learn Essential Incident Response Skills

Quickly identifying and containing a cyberattack can dramatically reduce your financial and reputational damage! We offer two different IT Bootcamp classes, Cyber First Responder and Ransomware Response, that are taught by incident response experts and equip IT professionals with the crucial skills needed to effectively combat today’s modern cyber threats. In fact, the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report  found that having a high level of employee cybersecurity training and IR planning reduces breach costs by over a million dollars. This makes training a wise investment for all organizations.

On-Demand Cyber First Responder Training Course

Quick and effective response is crucial during a cyberattack. Our on-demand Cyber First Responder course trains IT professionals to be the first line of defense, capable of handling a wide range of cyber incidents to mitigate damage and protect organizational assets.

Course Highlights:

  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Cyber First Responder: Understand the critical role and responsibilities of a first responder in a cyber incident.
  • Identifying and Assessing Cyber Threats: Learn to identify and assess various cyber threats quickly and accurately.
  • Immediate Response Tactics and Techniques: Develop immediate response tactics to mitigate damage during an attack.
  • Coordination with Incident Response Teams: Improve coordination skills with broader incident response teams for a unified response.
  • Documentation and Communication Protocols: Master documentation and communication protocols to ensure clear and accurate information sharing.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Threat Intelligence: Gain insights into continuous monitoring and leveraging threat intelligence for proactive defense.

Our IT bootcamp classes focus on practical, hands-on learning to ensure you can identify, stop, and minimize the damages from cyberattacks.

On-Demand Ransomware Response Training Class

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, making preparedness essential for minimizing damage and ensuring business continuity. Our Ransomware Response IT bootcamp class provides IT professionals with the knowledge and tools to effectively identify, respond to, and recover from ransomware incidents.

Course Highlights:

  • Understanding Ransomware: Learn about the different types, tactics, and trends in ransomware attacks.
  • Incident Detection and Initial Response Steps: Discover how to quickly detect and respond to a ransomware incident, from IT response to cyber insurance and public notifications.
  • Containment and Eradication Techniques: Master techniques to contain and eradicate ransomware from infected systems.
  • Data Recovery and System Restoration: Gain skills in recovering data and restoring systems to operational status.
  • Post-Incident Analysis and Reporting: Understand how to analyze the incident and produce comprehensive reports.
  • Preventative Measures and Best Practices: Learn preventative measures to protect against future ransomware attacks.

Our IT bootcamp classes focus on practical, hands-on learning to ensure you can identify, stop, and minimize the damages from cyberattacks.

Become a Certified Cyber First Responder with LMG Security’s IT Bootcamp Classes

Join our IT bootcamp classes and become proficient in the critical skills necessary to defend your organization against sophisticated cyber threats. On demand and on your schedule, our courses are designed to provide you with the practical knowledge and expertise to stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.

These IT Bootcamp courses are ideal for:

  • IT staff tasked with responsibility for detecting and triage of incidents on computer systems
  • Incident response team members who are involved in responding to data breaches
  • Help Desk staff that may be the first point of contact for reports of suspicious activity
  • Anyone with a general technical background who might be asked to respond to a suspected cybersecurity incident


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