By Ali Sawyer   /   Jul 28th, 2014

Notorious Whistleblowers, Dictators, and Obscure Sports at DEFCON 22

DEFCON-poster-finalThe reports are out: Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have released revealing new documents indicating bribery within the International Chessboxing Association. The public is largely unsurprised given the organization’s checkered past. Some Association officials appear to have been offered money and other valuable goods to host this year’s Chessboxing World Championship in one particular city: Pyongyang, North Korea.

What exactly is going on here? Why North Korea? Who is responsible for the bribes, and why?

Those are the kinds of questions you will need to answer when you play our fifth annual Network Forensics Puzzle Contest at DEFCON 22. Last year’s DEFCON 22 contest attracted over 250 teams, so we’re excited to see lots of familiar faces as well as newcomers. This year’s contest features seven rounds getting progressively more difficult, plus a challenging bonus round. The further you progress, the more secrets you’ll discover.

If you want to do a warmup before the main event, play our network forensics puzzle in the post below. We look forward to seeing you at DEFCON in less than two weeks!