Remote Access
Configuration Review

Make sure your remote access is secure! Employees, IT administrators and vendors may all need remote access to your network for mission-critical tasks. Make sure the bad guys can’t get in, too. LMG Security will review your remote access configuration and make recommendations to ensure that your setup is strong.


Our team of cybersecurity experts will review your remote access configuration and security controls, identify any areas of weakness, and provide specific recommendations for reducing risk.

The Remote Access Configuration Review covers:

  • Client / Server Configurations
  • Architecture
  • Administrative controls
  • Security groups
  • Access Control Lists [ACLs]
  • Remote Access Monitoring and Logging Practices


LMG Security will deliver a full report that includes:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Methodology
  3. Top Risks
  4. Remediation Matrix
  5. Detailed Technical and Non-Technical Findings
  6. Recommendations, along with Links and Resources

To learn more about this service, please contact us.